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EnviroMonitor: A Smart Field Monitoring System

Get a FREE EnviroMonitor Consultation

Measure, Monitor, and Manage

Track site-specific weather and environmental conditions with a custom network of Davis and third-party sensors. Easy-to-install EnviroMonitor gives you the information you need to make critical crop decisions.


Need help configuring an EnviroMonitor system for your farm?

We are here to help. Whether you’re looking to monitor a single acre of specialty crops or a 500-acre pistachio orchard, we've got the solution you need. Just provide us with a little information and a Davis Agriculture Specialist will assist you in designing the perfect EnviroMonitor system.


During the consultation we’ll discuss:

  1. Crop type(s)
  2. Acreage
  3. Identifying your key concerns
  4. Parameters to measure and where
  5. Hardware and sensor needs
  6. Pricing

We look forward to speaking with you.