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Standards Feedback Form
This form is designed to collect comments or feedback on a single program standard.
If you would like to provide feedback on more than one standard,
please submit a separate form for each additional standard
You can download the revised program standards by clicking
First name
Last name
Facility Name
Facility ID
Standard Manual Program Type
Please select the program standards manual(s) that apply.
Office-Based Procedural (OBP)
Office-Based Surgical (OBS)
Ambulatory Surgery Center
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS)
Pediatric Dentistry
Rural Health Clinic (RHC)
Outpatient Physical Therapy (OPT)
Standard ID Number
If you have comments on multiple standards, complete this form, then resubmit a new form for each additional standard.
Feedback is related to which of the following RUMBA category(ies):
Please select all that apply.
Relevance of Standard
Understandability of Standard
Measurability of Standard
Benefit of Standard
Achievability of Standard
Scoring Methodology of Standard
Standards Feedback Comments
Please enter your comments below.