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Thank you for your desire to reserve at least one unit in the AngelNV 5 Conference Fund. Upon submission of the form below, you'll receive a Docusign agreement to reserve 1 or more units. The investment is $5,500 for the first unit. Extra units are $5,000 and you get a vote for each unit up to 4. If you'd like to chat with someone first, schedule a meeting by clicking this
calendar link
First name
Last name
Residence Zip Code
For census data, please respond
Mobile Phone
Please check your PRIMARY location
Las Vegas
Reno / Tahoe
Rural NV
Outside NV
Investment Interest
AngelNV | $200k Conference Fund ($5k min) to be matched by SSBCI funds for a total investment of $400,000 in one NV company.
Investor Qualification Type
Founder Seeking Investment
Accredited Investor
Qualified Purchaser
Licensed Broker / Dealer
Private Fund employee
Nevada Certified Investor
Nevada Certified Investor:
Nevada resident
who earns $100k+ ($150k for a couple) in W2 annual income -or- any
Nevada resident
with a business (1099 or Schedule C) that has gross sales of $200k/yr or more may invest up to 10% of their net worth
in Nevada companies
Accredited Investor:
Has $1M+ of net worth outside of principal residence -or- earns $200k+ ($300 k for a couple) per year in W2 income.
Qualified Purchaser:
Accredited Investor who has $5M+ invested (at risk) in public or private investments.