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Estimated time to complete: 10-15 minutes


New Volunteer Registration

Thank you for interest in volunteering to help empower women+ in Central Texas!
After you complete this form, you will receive a confirmation and an email with a link to sign up for the next in person Volunteer Orientation. 

The in person Volunteer Orientations are typically the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:15pm at the DFSA office.
Hope to see you at the next Orientation! 
Preferred contact method

Demographic Data

This information is important to us as we apply for grants or ask for funding. We will not share your personal information.

Do you identify as part of the transgender community?*
What race do you identify as? Select all that apply:*

Volunteer Availability and Role Information

Which language(s) are you capable of speaking fluently?*
Select all that apply.
What is your availability? Select all that apply*
Review all the Volunteer Roles here:
What roles are you interested in?
We want to know about you! Check all the roles you have experience in. *
Are you part of the Junior League?*
Are you part of the National Charity League?*
Are you a member of Circle of Impact?*
How did you hear about DFSA?

Volunteer Agreement: Treating Clients with Respect

Dress for Success Austin values all women+.

"Women+" is defined as any person who identifies as a woman. This definition is inclusive and not limited to transitioning, transgender, questioning, non-binary, gender fluid, and gender non-conforming persons. This expanded definition is represented by the plus sign.

As a volunteer, you will be serving women+ from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, including women from many racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, as well as women that are experiencing homelessness, mental illness, were formerly incarcerated, are non-English speakers and from the LGBTQ+ community. Visit for a glossary of terms we use to create an inclusive place for our clients.

This Volunteer Agreement outlines your commitment to treat all clients with respect and dignity while volunteering with Dress for Success Austin. It is essential to maintain an inclusive and respectful environment for the women we serve. By submitting this New Volunteer Profile, you acknowledge your commitment to upholding these fundamental principles.

1. Commitment to Respect

As a volunteer, I understand and agree to:

Treat Clients with Dignity: I will treat all clients with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, abilities, or circumstances. I will uphold their privacy and confidentiality.

Non-Discrimination: I will not discriminate against clients based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or any other characteristic.

Inclusivity: I will foster an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for all clients, ensuring that they feel valued and heard.

Communication: I will maintain open and respectful communication with clients, listening actively to their needs and concerns.

2. Confidentiality

Client Information: I will keep all client information and details confidential, not disclosing any client's personal information or situation to others without their explicit consent.

Reporting Concerns: If I become aware of any concerns or issues related to a client's well-being or safety, I will report it promptly to a Dress for Success Austin staff member.

3. Professionalism

Ethical Behavior: I will adhere to ethical standards and conduct myself in a professional manner while volunteering, recognizing the importance of being a positive representative of Dress for Success Austin.

Boundaries: I will maintain appropriate boundaries with clients, refraining from engaging in personal relationships that could compromise the professional nature of my role as a volunteer.

4. Compliance

Policies and Procedures: I will familiarize myself with and comply with all policies and procedures of Dress for Success Austin.

5. Reporting Violations

If I become aware of any violations of this Agreement or any concerns related to the treatment of clients, I will report them promptly to a Dress for Success Austin staff member.

I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and principles outlined in this Volunteer Agreement. I understand that my commitment to treating all women+ with respect is crucial to the mission of Dress for Success Austin.  I release and hold harmless Dress for Success Austin, its staff, board members, volunteers, partners, and affiliates from any liability, claims, or demands arising from my participation in any organization-related activities, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
I understand that my involvement is voluntary and may involve certain risks, for which I assume full responsibility.
I consent to having my photograph taken for DFSA usage. I understand that these photos may be used for social posts, event signage, and internal purposes by Dress for Success Austin. I acknowledge that my photo will not be shared publicly without my additional consent.