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MUN Conference Registration, Made Easy!

For Advisors Registering a School/Deadline

If you are registering a School or Group, and your School/Group will pay the Conference Registration Fees for all of your students, then please follow the instructions below.

(If your School/Group is not paying the Conference Registration Fees, but your students are paying individually, then your students should register as individuals.)

Registration Deadline

Registration closes on the 22nd of the month before each conference. We do sell out before the deadline so please register ASAP to guarantee your spot!

Registration Process

Step 1: Answer the questions below and submit this form to get a unique coupon code for your school or group

Step 2: Give the coupon code to your students so they can complete registration

Step 3: After the Registration Deadline, you will receive an invoice based on the number of students who use the code

After Registration

You can expect conference information, including Zoom links and topic background guides, to be sent via email approximately two weeks after the registration deadline.

Advisor Information

(Write "NA" if you don't have any Co-Advisors)

School/Organization Information

Student Information

Terms and Conditions