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Fit 4 Offshore Renewables - Scottish Islands and Coastal Communities: Expression of Interest 

For the legal entity which you would like to join the F4OR programme.
(e.g. contractors)
Which market sectors do you work in today? Please describe the sector and detail the percentage of your business that comes from each sector.
Please note from which body key accreditations have been awarded.
Some short simple responses to the following questions will help to focus your replies. While high level detail is very helpful if available, “Not at this time”, is an equally valid answer.

1) Is Offshore Wind referred to in your Strategic Plan?
2) How do you maintain strategic awareness of the business opportunities in Offshore Wind?
3) Do you have a plan to deploy this to relevant parts of your business?
4) Do you have one or several senior managers who will lead the change required, with the authority to allocate the necessary resource?
5) Do you have a plan or a process to communicate your strategy both internally and externally?
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